We all love a good conversation. Whether it be an in-person real-person conversation or an online conversation with a “virtually created person”, we want the conversation to be engaging and flowing. Thankfully, the first generation “person-bots” (chat and voice bots), that were often robotic, stilted exchanges and only able to answer a set of prepared questions are no longer. Today, the virtual conversations we have with AI powered voice and chatbots are near to indistinguishable from any similar interaction with a real human. At least they should be. 

Just like with a “good” human to human conversation we expect our virtual conversations to be friendly, clear, personal, relevant and to meet our communication needs. We want our virtual counterpart to stay on topic, but also to be able to switch topics instantly if we want. We also want to ask questions and have them answered accurately and immediately. We want to have trust and feel confident that what we are being told is correct, and for the conversation to take place within context so that it progresses constructively and concludes satisfactorily. 

Because conversations are always multidimensional the best conversational AI solutions are those that engage a multidimensional ecosystem. 

Large Language Models (LLMs)

There has been quite a brouhaha around large language models (LLMs) since they first came into mass market consciousness with the launch of ChatGPT. And rightly so. They have changed the AI playing field and enabled conversational AI to advance in leaps and bounds to a new, transformative level. 

LLMs are a great tool and deliver unprecedented speed, accuracy and efficiencies. However, LLMs are not the customer experience. They are simply one part of a multidimensional ecosystem that must work in harmony if organisations are to truly differentiate their customer experience. 

Every organisation can access and use LLMs relatively easily. But how they are integrated, as part of a much broader and deeper network of data connectedness, is the transformative factor. The integration and interconnectedness with technology, processes, systems, applications, devices and platforms will dictate the quality of interactions with customers.

The synergy of conversational AI and a multidimensional ecosystem

Customer and employee experiences continue to be on the agenda of most boardrooms and the focus of businesses of every shape, size and across all industries. 

Whilst the availability of LLMs has enabled improved experiences, increased efficiencies and richer data analytics, they cannot single-handedly create differentiated customer experiences. 

At Creative Virtual, we have created an extensive conversational AI ecosystem that is enabling organisations to execute a customer experience differentiation strategy. Our V-Studio platform, a single orchestration and management platform for conversational AI, enables the seamless and intelligent interconnectedness of devices, platforms, technology, applications and diverse data sources. 

At the heart of the platform is Creative Virtual’s V-Intelligence layer, which enables organisations to leverage the power of LLMs, whilst retaining control and visibility over multi-system and multi-platform data exchanges, as well as ensuring compliance, governance and risk controls are maintained. It provides the ability for organisations to execute a successful customer experience differentiation strategy because it does not dictate a one size for all approach. V-Studio is flexible and customisable, enabling organisations to effectively integrate and leverage its own business and operational ecosystems, partnerships and marketing strategy to create and deliver better experiences for both customers and employees. 

Creative Virtual’s ecosystem

Creative Virtual’s ecosystem comprises several distinct yet interlocked layers. Our V-Studio Platform is the unifying conduit that connects internal and external applications, platforms, systems and data sources, and seamlessly connects the ecosystems of our partners, and our partner’s customers to create a single harmoniously working system. 


The V-Studio platform integrates with base AI models, platforms and applications enabling businesses to choose the technology that will best meet their needs, as well as effectively and efficiently leverage the ICT tools they are currently using. 

With direct connections into V-Studio from base AI models such as OpenAI, Google, Amazon and Microsoft, businesses have the option to use one or many of these models based on their preferences, use case needs and policies. Similarly, V-Studio connects to the major platform players such as Genesys, NICE, Enghouse, Amazon Connect and Salesforce to name a few. 

At the application layer, integrations include Aristech, Audiocodes, Spitch, Whatsapp, FBM, KMS Lighthouse, LivePro, Panviva, UI Path, Blue Prism and Automation Anywhere, giving organisations greater functionality and capability to create experiences that differentiate. 

Providing access to these technologies via a single platform delivers the required speed, efficiency and affordability, together with the highest levels of control, security and compliance. 


We have an extensive partner network. Each of these partners have their own ecosystem of technologies, systems, platforms, and applications. Our partners can easily and efficiently connect with our V-Studio platform, ensuring their customers can effectively expand their own ICT ecosystem, making it richer and more effective without additional capital costs, and enabling their own customer experience strategies to be executed in a unique and brand appropriate way. 


Our V-Studio Platform acts as the central hub for an organisation’s customer communication and engagement. Enabling consistency of message, brand personality and tone, the platform delivers voice, messaging, social, text and video content that is collected, organised, curated and approved in a sophisticated knowledge and content management engine. 

The platform also seamlessly connects with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Contact Centre Platforms, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), and omnichannel contact centre applications. 

Direct access to LLMs allows a choice of central, regional and locally deployed models in as many different configurations as needed. Across all models vectorisation, generative AI, sentiment analysis, summarisation and analysis happen on the platform, giving organisations control over the tools they use, and the output shared. 

Creative Virtual and Third-Party Tools

V-Studio offers a host of both proprietary and third-party tools for faster, more accurate, highly personalised and relevant conversations, and better experiences. Third party tools that can be leveraged via our platform include Microsoft Copilot, Apple Intelligence, and Grammarly to name a few, and these complement our own tools that execute tasks such as clustering, confusion reports, templates, amongst many others. 

Deeper, broader, richer ecosystems create better customer experiences

Organisations that truly want to differentiate the customer experience need to look beyond a single technology, platform or application. Customer experience differentiation requires bringing together multiple platforms, applications, systems, technologies and content sources in unique and innovative ways. It requires conversational AI solutions that deliver hyper-personalisation, enable real-time customisation, and deliver scalability on demand without any compromise to the customer experience. 

Creative Virtual’s multidimensional ecosystem provides organisations with the access to technology to deliver on the speed and accuracy demands of today’s customers. It delivers the connectedness to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, and affordability, as well as ensuring brands retain control over content, and can be confident that compliance, risk mitigation and governance are not compromised. 

Conversations are never one dimensional and your customer conversations can’t be either. With conversational AI it is all about what is said, how it’s said and making sure you know who you are saying it to. Make your conversations personal, relevant, accurate and engaging. That’s the type of conversation experience we all want.