Saying that something is intelligent doesn’t necessarily make it so. In the world of AI the intelligence stems from having the correct combination of several elements and bringing these together. 

Without a doubt, when using AI everyone is expecting and wanting to have intelligent output. To have output, the quality and credibility of the input must be known and also stand up to absolute scrutiny. 

The importance of content must never be underestimated or ignored. At all stages of the AI journey content is a defining factor in not necessarily determining how intelligent your AI technology infrastructure is but in the quality of intelligence it will provide. 

Your AI may be intelligent enough to perform certain tasks, but it does not mean it will provide quality intelligence. That is why every organisation must be having the ‘content’ conversation in every AI conversation. 

AI is a tool. The technology powering AI is extremely impressive. The speed at which AI can, for example, analyse huge amounts of data, complete processes, or find and share information, which are just a few of its applications, is not physically possible by humans. AI is here and is only going to become more pervasive in how people work, live and socialise. 

Having worked in the AI space, specifically conversational AI, for over 20 years, Creative Virtual has a deep understanding and extensive experience and expertise in ensuring that intelligent tools and platforms deliver quality intelligence. Our V-Studio platform is powered by embedded V-Intelligence. This highly secure platform ensures that organisations have full control over, not just the use of AI but importantly, the AI output being shared. 

With our V-Studio platform powered by V-Intelligence, all outputs are referenceable which means all content is verifiable. Explainable AI ensures that there is no mask of intelligence but real intelligence that can stand up to interrogation. It is truthful, accurate and correctly represents an organisation and/or person. 

Creating and implementing successful AI strategies that deliver real business value are dependent on content. Companies need intelligent tools, but of equal if not more importance is the need to ensure that the business outcome is quality intelligence. It is worth remembering the principle of what goes in must come out. 

It is very common for organisations to talk about intelligent and intelligence, but when it comes to AI and choosing a partner to both create and implement conversational AI heed the warning caveat emptor. If you don’t, both your employee and customer experiences are at risk.