The correlation between customer experience and revenue is well documented. Businesses that approach and treat customer experience as a product can ensure that each stage of the customer journey is expertly designed, developed and delivered. This will enable a brand’s entire customer ecosystem to be joined up to enable a frictionless, seamless and personalised experience for every customer. 

Chatbots and voicebots are key digital tools that enable a brand to deliver the quality of experience that customers expect and demand. Technological advancements in recent years have completely transformed the chatbot experience. Whereas once, interacting with a chatbot may have been awkward, stilted, and robotic, it is now dynamic, free-flowing and human-like. Technology has also enabled far more nuanced personalisation of interactions, which is helping brands build loyalty, trust and ultimately increase sales. 

Personalisation is nothing new and is a standard feature of most chatbots. However, to remain competitive, relevant and able to execute a customer experience as a product strategy, brands must leverage hyper-personalisation. 

Every customer is unique, so leveraging hyper-personalisation gives a chatbot the capability to engage in a true one on one interaction. Responding to data in real-time, adapting to customers’ needs throughout an interaction as they change, and interpreting context to ensure a relevant conversation, creates the human-like, seamless interaction customers’ expect.  

Hyper-personalisation of chatbot experiences requires effective data analytics so that individual customer preferences can steer the interaction. A retail chatbot leveraging hyper-personalisation will, for example, be able to recommend the right products for the individual, suggest products within the context of the interaction (e.g. looking for an anniversary gift for parents), bring relevant sale/offer items to the attention of the customer, etc. A customer service chatbot can create hyper-personalised interactions in the same way, building trust and loyalty. 

The customer ecosystem is central to hyper-personalisation. Analysing data from multiple sources – digital, social media, IoT devices, browsing, purchase history etc. – enables fine-tuned chatbot to human interactions, demonstrating that a brand cares and makes the customer feel valued, and their needs understood. 

Context also plays a critical role in the chatbot to human interaction experience, and influences the products, messages and/or incentives that will be shared. Context ensures that a customer gets the actual information they wanted, first time. 

The use of chatbots is becoming more widespread across many industries, and hyper-personalisation is enabling customers to have more meaningful interactions with brands. These interactions are building stronger customer relationships, increasing loyalty, driving repeat purchases, and creating brand advocates. 

Creative Virtual’s V-Studio platform powers hyper-personalised chatbots and voicebots.  Bringing together generative and conversational AI, advanced data analytics, omnichannel communication capability, and automation all in one place, ensures brands can effectively and efficiently design, develop and deploy chatbots that deliver great customer experiences.