Voicebots 2.0: Conversations worth having

Talking your talk. Hearing what you say.
Personalising the conversation. 

Voicebots: a customer service channel everyone expects 

Always available to listen and help: immediately, any time, and with exact answers. Provide a personal service to customers who want to talk.

Provide a personal service to customers who want to talk.

Conversations indistinguishable from human-to -human interactions.

Comprehensible and natural sounding.

Can handle with complex queries and handle multiple interactions simultaneously.

Integrate with any channel: web, messaging platforms, mobile apps, phone.

Bring efficiencies to contact centres. 

Provide support to contact centre agents passing knowledge real time, to enable a better customer experience.

Can understand intent and when necessary hand over to the right human agent to deal with a the caller’s enquiry. 

Answer using content that is owned and curated content and/or AI generated but with the brand in full over-riding control of all responses.

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More than talk: a great experience

Voicebots for Customer Service

  • No wait times
  • 24×7 customer service
  • Immediate response to questions
  • Convenience – easier to talk than type

Voicebots for Employee Support

  • Task automation
  • Answer queries
  • Provide support
  • Complete actions
  • Conversations in preferred language
  • 24×7 support

Voicebots for the Contact Centre

  • Handle common queries automatically
  • Gather necessary information and security checks
  • Eliminate wait times
  • Any necessary handover to human agent comes is accompanied with full conversation details to enable speedy resolution


Enhanced customer experience

Increased operational efficiency

Improved employee and contact centre agent productivity and morale 

Voicebots: the customer’s friend

Ultimate convenience

  • No manual input of information
  • Easier to talk than type
  • Immediate response, zero wait time

Servicing an always-on society

  • Any location and time zone – 24×7
  • Any device, any platform, any app
  • Any language

Natural way of communicating

  • Generationally popular

Personalised experiences

  • Utilises customer data and preferences
  • Contextual conversations

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